Uber is showing you YOUR rating. Like it or not?

Those who have seen the Black Mirror episode where all social interactions lead to a rating don't like.

Here is why Uber did this:
"Drivers do their best to make Uber enjoyable and safe for their riders, and we expect that riders do the same for drivers. But many riders forget that their driver is also rating them, too, and things like eating in the car, slamming the door, or trying to pile in more people than seatbelts can impact whether it’s a 5-star experience for drivers.

To give riders more visibility into how drivers are rating them, we’re making rider ratings much more accessible in the app. Now, a rider’s rating will be displayed right under their name in the app’s menu. We hope this update will remind riders that mutual respect is an important part of our Community Guidelines."

At least they don't hide the reason why: put pressure on "riders", aka. customers.

Before, customers were the one to serve and vendors the one serving.
What Uber is saying is that there is no such thing for them. There is a community composed of "riders" and "driver". They both serve and are served by each other.
And from Uber's standpoint, it's pretty right: Uber takes money from drivers and riders so for them we're both Uber's customers and they're like a paid community manager.

But from my standpoint, I don't care Uber's business model. I don't care they call me "rider". I don't care they don't consider their driver as staff members and don't offer them a proper contract. I just care that when I use Uber app, a Uber car comes and I rate the trip on Uber app.
I'm the customer, Uber is the vendor. And a vendor should not rate its customer openly to say them they should not make trouble or be grumpy if they don't want a bad rating.

What is the next step:
Public score? Customer ranking?
Score monetization, selling it to other brands through API calls?